Saturday, August 15, 2009
GREAT week in Calgary
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
first calgary push camp
The fact that its time to go to Calgary for push camp is reminding me of one thing and one thing only. US Team Trials, one of our most important two week stretches of the year is rapidly approaching. So far the summer has gone almost exactly as planned. I have made big gains in my flexibility and biomechanical work already. Im hoping that the transition from pushing on the summer time push track in lake placid to the ice in Calgary goes very smoothly this week.
This weekend we had a great wine weekend hosted by my friend Duncan Winter. We had a wonderful wine cellar dinner on Friday night followed by a rhone tasting on Saturday night. It was really great to see a lot of my friends together over food and wine who had never met before. Wines power to bring people together is just another reason why I love it.
I am now in Calgary and getting ready for the first push session today. Ill report back and let everyone know how it goes!